As this year comes to a close and new beginnings beckon us to prepare our own beautiful feathers to rise up and take flight, I invite you to leap into a dynamic 30min 1-2-1 session with me to pinpoint and focus on what is preventing your Pheonix from rising out of the ashes of the old, triumphant. You will take away seeds and treasures to plant your intent with passion and gravitas as you transition through 2022.
To Book A 1-2-1 30min Session Please:
CALL: +447990517751
EMAIL: jen-ix@becomeyourownmedicine.co.uk
If you are called to deepen and anchor your journey following our impact session, I will work multidimensionally supporting you to raise your vibration, demolish blocks empathically and deliver your gifts. You will receive healing that is most appropriate to your intention and personal journey towards greater balance, self-love, empowerment, peace & unity.

Multi-Dimensional Mentoring & Healing
What does that mean for me?
I am a creative catalyst for change and transformation.
A shaman, healer, spiritual teacher and intuitive channel.
My purpose Is to initiate a sacred space with you and co create a bespoke experience for you to engage in the process of change and transformation you are inviting.
I will tune in, perceive and feed back to you what seems hidden. We will work in a way that you can engage with and gain insight to prepare for forward motion in your life.
Your experience will be inspired by the intention you bring to the table in the moment that you
choose to work with me and the spirit team.
I will call on a range of techniques which may include:
Cards, stones, or crystals (Intuitive Readings & Guidance)
Healing, transmission, spirit song & drum
Shamanic infused medicine work
Guided Visionary Journeys
Meditation techniques
Rattles, drum, voice
As a channel for higher guidance and healing sound frequency
I will be offering you an opportunity to shift your frequency and engage with your own power to heal.
Listen to your heart & become more of your own medicine to more effectively Walk Your Talk from a place of clarity, heart connection and integrity.
Book Online Now
1 hr
111 British pounds2 hr
195 British pounds3 hr