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Precious Time

Writer's picture: Jen-ixJen-ix

Updated: Apr 20, 2022


Sssh.....breathe, gently, breath deeply,

Still your magnificent mind....

Quieten the whirring cogs of cognition,

Stealing your precious time.

Allow there to be gaps and spaces within your heart and mind,

For it is here, the sacred abides.

Here, the winds of time and fate may air their mystery,

stretch their wings and fly.

Here, the echoes of our ancestors may still ring through the walls

of our secret caves,

those deep raw caverns within

Where ceremony can find her resting place,

her breathing space,

and remember us to the truth of all that is.

Remember me, to the truth of all that ‘I truly am’.

I urge you to go inside…now,

And dare to linger there, without fear.

Leave fear at the mouth of the cave, lovingly.

Now is the time, the perfect time,

to digest all that is bountiful

and all that is rich and full of selfless wisdom.

For the benefit of all, no more no less.

Begin the weaving of your tapestry of tales

and always remember to share your sacred threads.

Look around, devour the exotic detail,

pertaining to your personal way of the Wyrd.

Become enchanted with the curiosity of a child,

opening up to see...I mean really see,

beyond their years, but not yet beyond their magic.

Invite gratitude to sit next to you

and then dive right in through you.

Allow it to rise within you, like a wave,

building momentum, towards a conscious crescendo

- a heart opening, an outpouring of compassion and gratitude,

for life,

for connection,

for great Mother Gaia,

for our sacred Mother Earth.

We have been-allowed to live upon her skin

and we have taken advantage of our privilege.

Inside ourselves we know where we have trodden heavy footed,

where the bricks we have thrown have dismantled rice paper castles,

where we have ceased to honour ourselves and in so doing,

laid tracks for trains of thought to derail on sharp bends.

Within the smashing of a sacred vessel and the mending of it,

there is untold magic and transformation.

Let liquid gold trickle through the cracks of imperfection,

Then tell me if you are not twice the value you were before.

When all is said and done, beauty shines from every wound,

that is healed, understood, blessed and released.

Mended with love and honoured with joy.

Let us apply this to all beings and

with reverence and gratitude kiss the earth.

Hold our own hearts dear and vision a clear path ahead,

a new world, a full breath in and out.

Let us walk slowly hand in hand, toward a future,

that will support every light to shine,

for the benefit of all.

Remember to let the gold flow seamlessly and celebrate that light.

No star could shine without the black velvet backdrop

of the glorious night sky.

No fire could burn bright without the breath of the ancestors.

New life could not thrive without the blessing of our waters.

Build your inner fire with love and gratitude,

that you may offer your sacred hearth for others to take refuge.

Strengthen ropes of connection and activate your souls’ sweet medicine.

Lift up the children who carry the flame for our future generations.

May love, be the sacred blanket that enfolds you,

and song create the rainbow bridge that unfolds before you,

Leading you home to your precious heart.

Sssh.....breathe gently, breath deeply,

Still your beautiful mind...

Breathe gently, breath deeply,

and honour this precious time.

Mitakuye O’yasin

© Jenny Lynne Sessions (Jen-ix) 04/09/2020//13/06/21

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1 comentario

Rhonda McCrimmon
Rhonda McCrimmon
13 abr 2020

Beautiful words - thank you 🙏

Me gusta
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